Nuevas lecciones I Cuatro Puertorriqueño

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Well, my ADD kicked in and I've put down "Aguinaldo Isabeleño" for the week.  "En Mi Viejo San Juan" has drawn my attention.  Its a very easy song to play and always brings a lot of emotion each time I play and sing along with it.  It should be a mandatory requirement for all to learn to play. Mandatory requirement?  Is that a double possitive? lol  Is that even English?  :)

I've also been listening to one of my faviorite, El Salsero Mayor Isamael Rivera.  El Cuatro played in the songs "De Todas Maneras Rosas" and "Las Caras Lindas" is beautiful.  The piano in "El Nazareno" is sabroso!  I can picture the artist with his eyes closed leaning over the keys and his hands dancing across the ebony and ivory while his body moves rythmically back and forth to the tempo.

I wonder how one would go about finding the sheet music for these songs.  I was even thinking of searching the "All Knowing Oracle" (internet) for the musician that played with Ismael Rivera and trying to get the Cuatro sheet music.  Got to dream big to achieve big.


 P.S.  Please comment (Comenta Por Favor)

  5919 Hits

Practicando Ejercicios Principiante

Practicando "Ejercicios Principiante".  Estoy encontrando que si practico el ejercicio mas de una hora, empiezo a hacer mas errores.  Tengo que ponerme a practicar una canción. 

 Creo que voy a grabar mi progresso el viernes para tener mi primera critica. 


  3282 Hits

Jibaro Jazz

While surfing for Jibaro Jazz I came across the attached video.  Maybe some day!! 100x100

[video: 100x100]

  3840 Hits